Professional School Counseling journal is a rigorous peer-reviewed journal, which publishes high-quality articles on theory, research and best practices for the profession. Moreover, techniques, materials and ideas to assist school counselors and related practitioners at all levels in their professional development are explored. The journal's foci strengthen the bonds among school counselors and help maintain a shared awareness of the roles, problems and progress of school counseling across various settings and levels.

This award-winning journal is published five times a year, in October, December, February, April and June and is included with membership.

ASCA members can read the current issue online or check out the archives here. Be sure to log in as a member (below left) before clicking the link for access. The journal is distributed primarily online. Members who wish to receive a print version also should click on "Update Personal Data" once they've logged in and check the box to receive Professional School Counseling in print.

Nonmembers may access tables of contents and abstracts here. Individual full-text articles can also be purchased here.

Subscriptions/Back Issues
Nonmembers may purchase a subscription for $115/year for online access or $115/year for print access or $150/year for both print and online access.

To subscribe, send your subscription to:
American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Subscription Office
PO Box 361
Birmingham, AL 35201-0361
(800) 633-4931 or (205) 995-1567 (outside the U.S. and Canada)
Fax: (205) 995-1588

Manuscript Submissions
The journal welcomes original manuscripts on school counseling research, practice and issues. Follow these author guidelines when submitting manuscripts.

Journal Reviewers
Professional School Counseling journal is always looking for qualified editorial review board members. Prospective reviewers should have a solid background in school counseling and must have a solid track record of articles published in a refereed publication. To apply, send your CV and letter of interest to Kathleen Rakestraw. Current Editorial Review Board.

Special Issues
Once or twice a year, Professional School Counseling publishes a special issue revolving around a single topic. If you are interested in developing a special issue for the journal and would like to serve as guest editor for that issue, read the special issue guidelines. Please note, special issue editors must be either associate or full professors and have a solid background of publications in peer-reviewed journals.

CEU Quizzes
ASCA offers members and journal subscribers the opportunity to earn CEUs for reading journal articles and taking a short online quiz about the content. Each article is worth approximately 0.1 CEUs. Learn more.

ASCA is an IACET-authorized provider of CEUs.

The journal does not accept advertising.